Distance estimation as a process of generating ad-hoc metrical systems


The present research utilizes a change detection paradigm to contrast two candidate processes by which distance is encoded. The first process is an intrinsic absolute metrical system, where distance is encoded in an underlying universal matrix, such as visual co-ordinates. The alternative is a local ad-hoc metrical system where distance is encoded as a ratio of the size of a salient object in the scene. Manipulating object size differentiated between these candidate processes. A forced-choice change detection task modeled after Cole, Kentride, Gellatly & Heywood (2003) and a mouse dragging task tested memory for recognition and production of distance respectively, with results indicating that changes in object size affected both memory for the recognition of-and the subsequent reproduction of past perceived distances.



spatial cognition, change detection, distance estimation


Thomson, Robert, and Jim Davies. "Distance estimation as a process of generating ad-hoc metrical systems." In Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 2932-2937. 2009.