Identifying New Team Trust and Team Cohesion Metrics that Support Future Human-Autonomy Teams


A driving simulation study of a manned-unmanned vehicle gunnery team was conducted to assess potential metrics of team trust and cohesion for evaluating future human-autonomy teams. Cadet dyads worked with a veteran commander within a driving simulation to direct a weaponized robotic ground vehicle from a command and control vehicle and identify and engage targets on a gunnery range. Subjective, behavioral, performance, communication, and physiological data were collected to identify possible team trust and team cohesion metrics. Findings suggest that performance, behavior, and physiological data may provide useful windows into the trust and cohesion exhibited by crew members in human-autonomy teams.


This is a cadet capstone project turned into a conference paper.


human-autonomy teaming, simulation, wingman, metrics, trust, cohesion


Milner, Alyssa, Dae Han Seong, Ralph W. Brewer, Anthony L. Baker, Andrea Krausman, David Chhan, Robert Thomson, Ericka Rovira, and Kristin E. Schaefer. "Identifying new team trust and team cohesion metrics that support future human-autonomy teams." In Advances in Simulation and Digital Human Modeling: Proceedings of the AHFE 2020 Virtual Conferences on Human Factors and Simulation, and Digital Human Modeling and Applied Optimization, July 16-20, 2020, USA, pp. 86-93. Springer International Publishing, 2021.