Report: West Point Undergraduate Historical Review Volume 14; Spring 2024


Report is a non-profit publication produced by undergraduate cadets at the United States Military Academy. It accepts and encourages submissions from undergraduates in the fall and spring. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.


Article Authors: Kaufmann, Connor. "The Shortcomings of AI: How ChatGPT is Incapable of Accurately Explaining Mau Mau." Schwed, Lucas. "The Origin and Continued Perpetration of the "Myth of the Clean Wehrmact"." Pockat, Reece. "Up the Mekong Without a Paddle: An Analysis of American Military and Political Indecision in Vietnam, 1958-1965." Well, Alec. "Cowards in the Face of Immediate Death: The Exceptional Leadership of General George H. Thomas at Chickamauga." Smith, Devon. "American Catholic Motivations and Contributions to World War One." Wang, Angela. "Merian and the Pineapple: The Diminishing Role of Visual Representation in the Early Modern Americas." Morton, Chloe. "Antisemitism in the Soviet Partisan Movement: An Institutional and Individual Approach." Neubauer, Riley. "Beneath Central Park: The Preservation of Seneca Village."


Report, History


Report: West Point Undergraduate Historical Review Volume 14; Spring 2024.


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