Can It Work for Us Too? Results from Using West Point’s Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics and Design Course Redesign.

dc.contributor.authorHamilton, Scott
dc.contributor.authorBruhl, Jakob C.
dc.contributor.authorWyrick, Joshua
dc.description.abstractAt the 2017 ASEE National Conference and Exhibition two papers from the US Military Academy (one in the Mechanics Division and one in the Civil Engineering Division) detailed a redesign of their initial mechanics sequence and the introduction of Inquiry Based Learning Activities. The authors of those papers extended an offer to share details and materials of their course redesign and associated lesson activities. The authors of this paper took them up on that offer and in the Fall of 2017 implemented the changes proposed at the US Military Academy at York College of Pennsylvania. The question this paper strives to answer is, can a similar course redesign produce similar results at an institution, that in many respects is very different from the US Military Academy; essentially is the West Point redesign reproducible and the results replicable and if so under what conditions? This paper will strive to use many of the same measures from the original paper in the analysis of the success or failure of the implementation. The paper will also examine and document the differences between the students and institutions. It will then note differences in the administration of the course, changes made, and conduct of the course, to include number of instructors, sections, section size, group size and the demographic make-up of students in the course and list the effect of the differences discovered at this time. Finally, considering differences and similarities, the paper will analyze and capture the results and the effects of the two applications of the course redesign to come up with an answer to the research question.
dc.description.sponsorshipDepartment of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
dc.identifier.citationHamilton, Scott, Bruhl, Jakob C., Wyrick, Joshua. Can It Work for Us Too? Results from Using West Point’s Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics and Design Course Redesign. ASEE, 2018.
dc.subjectCourse Redesign
dc.titleCan It Work for Us Too? Results from Using West Point’s Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics and Design Course Redesign.
dc.typeConference presentations, papers, posters


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